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H Residence Sentul. Harper Hotel MT Haryono. Harper Hotel MT Haryono.
Tidak Lagi Tersedia H Residence Sentul H Residence Sentul Sentul Bogor Jawa Barat Studio 22 M Apartemen Dijual Oleh Moose Rp 462 Jt 17560877 from
H Residence Sentul Integrated residential business in strategic area Project Location. H Residence Amethyst Kemayoran. H Residence Sentul dibangun di atas lahan seluas 6471 meter persegi.
Proyek yang memiliki nilai investasi sebesar Rp3641 miliar ini ditargetkan rampung pada kuartal keempat tahun 2022.
H Residence Amethyst Kemayoran. Harper Hotel MT Haryono. The unit prices of H Residence Sentul start from Rp300 million to Rp700 million. H Residence MT Haryono.