The Slow Violence Of Contemporary Policing. Crucially slow violence is often not just attritional but is also exponential operating as a major threat multiplier. Lets talk about policing the way we too often dont.

The slow violence that the community of Freetown is facing is a form of environmental injustice that can more specifically be viewed as environmental racism Bullard 1990. The average number of crimes for the 1 percent of streets that produced about a quarter of the crime. Download Citation The Slow Violence of Contemporary Policing An estimated 60 million Americans encounter police annually and more than one million are threatened or subjected to police use of.
Probably the most well-known example of such change has to do with the policing of domestic violence and child abuse.
Police have responded to this criticism by employing community policing reforms intended to gain the trust of the people they serve. Policies with respect to the exercise of discretion by police are understandably often controversial and may change over time in response to changing public attitudes. The concept of slow violence addresses the perceptual and communication challenges associated with phenomena that seem to exceed human scale in their size and pace too small too large too rapid too gradual to be perceived through human sensory capabilities. The revelation that a serving police officer had been arrested for Everards murder alongside shocking images of police brutality towards those attending the vigil in her name reinforced.