The Slow Query Log Mysql. The slow query log consists of SQL statements that took more than long_query_time seconds to execute required at least min_examined_row_limit rows to be examined and fulfilled other criteria specified. Set the amount of time a query needs to run before being logged.

Stop the mysql service. Where long_query_time time taken by an SQL query to be executed in seconds. The slow query log consists of SQL statements that took more than long_query_time seconds to execute required at least min_examined_row_limit rows to be examined and fulfilled other criteria specified.
To enable this log use the slow-query-log option either from the command-line when starting the MySQL server or enter the option in the configuration file for MySQL mycnf or myini depending on your system.
To see if slow query logging is enabled enter the following SQL statement. Touch varlibmysqlslowlog chmod 660 varlibmysqlslowlog chown mysqlmysql varlibmysqlslowlog. To enable the slow query log for MySQLMariaDB navigate to the configuration file mycnf default path. To see if slow query logging is enabled enter the following SQL statement.