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The Slow Loris. A 1984 study of the Sunda slow loris found its diet was 71 fruit and gums and 29 insects and other animal prey. A website where I post whatever is on my mind whenever I want.
Slow Loris Animais Felizes Animais Bonitos Animais Lindos from
Well a slow loris is a small very slow moving animal. Kokang occur in the Sumatra and Malay Peninsula including Singapore and southern Thailand Cretes Isthmus. All you need to know about.
Sunda slow loris N.
The slow loris is the only venomous primate. Can hold on to tree branches andor remain still for long durations. The slow loris is a nocturnal primate that has forward-facing eyes and human-like hands with an opposable thumb. Bengal Slow Loris N.