Sci Fi Best Seller. Joseph Gordon-Levitt Bruce Willis Emily Blunt Paul Dano. Science Fiction Fantasy.

Plus the coolest sci-fi in the series. In 2074 when the mob wants to get rid of someone the target is sent into the past where a hired gun awaits - someone like Joe - who one day learns the mob wants to close the loop by sending back Joes future self for assassination. Artemis adalah kota pertama dan satu-satunya di bulan.
Author Christopher Paolini earns his first Goodreads Choice Award with this sustained gaze into the future of humankind.
Most Popular Sci-Fi Feature Films Released in 2019. Most Popular Sci-Fi. Sci-fi novels make for great summer reads. While scouting an as-yet-uncolonized planet scientist Kira Navárez discovers an alien relic that will change the fate of Earth and its colonies.