Orchard House Derry. What to do next. If your query is about another benefit select Other from the drop-down menu above.

The safety and wellbeing of children is the central focus of our work. If your query is about another benefit select Other from the drop-down menu above. FROM his office high up in Orchard House Londonderry Development Officer Declan OHare has a commanding view over the city.
Orchard House 40 Foyle Street DerryLondonderry BT48 6AT Tel.
DAERAOrganisationDevelopmentteamdaera-nigovuk If required you can print off a copy of the online booklet. Orchard House 40 Foyle Street DerryLondonderry BT48 6AT Tel. The Orchard Respite Centre is open to people with. But his vision for Derry stretches even further.