Orchard House Cuckfield. Orchard House Ofsted Outstanding Orchard House has been graded Outstanding by Ofsted continuously since November 2013. The other special trees will be decorated by Next Step Nursery The Independent State of Cuckfield Hairsmiths Gillian Fabb Memorial Fund Orchard House and Holy Trinity Primary School.
The home accommodates children aged between 5 and 18 who have a learning disability providing both short-stay and long-term placements. Hanlye Lane Cuckfield Haywards Heath RH17 5HN. Orchard House was last inspected by Food Safety Officers from Mid Sussex Council on Wed 15 Sep 2021 and was awarded a.
A short break offers the young person a chance to have fun with friends whilst their family rest or spend time with siblings.
Staff have successfully implemented safety measures to manage the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic skilfully and sensitively. This 5 bed freehold detached house is located at Orchard House London Road Cuckfield Haywards Heath RH17 5ES and has an estimated current value of 946000. Find Childrens Residential Home in Haywards Heath RH17. The home that cares for children severely affected by autism was highly praised as a place where they thrive and are kept safe as inspectors awarded it the highest rating possible.