Makoto Shinkai. Join the online community create your anime and manga list read reviews explore the forums follow news and so much more. Film mengambil set waktu setelah perang dan Jepang dibagi menjadi 2 blok.

On November 10 KST TXT released the music video. 202172 Second Set of The Garden of Words LINE Themes Now On Sale. Simak 5 film anime karya Makoto Shinkai yang wajib kamu tonton.
Utara dikuasai oleh Uni Soviet dan Selatan dikuasai Amerika Serikat.
Anime Makoto Shinkai kerap ia kerjakan bersama studio Comix Wave. Makoto Shinkai was born in Nagano Prefecture in 1973. 2021412 The Works of Makoto Shinkai The Garden of Words Background Collection. Looking for information on Makoto Shinkai.