Mako V2. The broad paddle antennas are the cellular antennas and the thin round antenna is the WiFi antenna. This hoodie is the best its a headturner and a thought provoker overall an aesthetic hoodie.

2 Unbox the Mako appliance. FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS. She drives a Nissan SilEighty and was known as the fastest on Usui pass alongside Sayuki her navigator before she becomes a professional racer at the end of Final Stage.
She drives a Nissan SilEighty and was known as the fastest on Usui pass alongside Sayuki her navigator before she becomes a professional racer at the end of Final Stage.
Mako Bottle Opener V3. Mako V2 - Crown has been increased by 1mm in diameter as compared to the first edition. She drives a Nissan SilEighty and was known as the fastest on Usui pass alongside Sayuki her navigator before she becomes a professional racer at the end of Final Stage. Guitar Gallery Click here to see our prices Mako Prime V2 Piezo WORN TOKYO PINK Cobia Prime V2 ENGLISH WALNUT BODY BLACK STAIN Mako Prime V2 RIPPLED ASH BODY WORN ICE BLUE Manta Prime V2 SAPELE BODY Opah Prime V2 RIPPLED ASH BODY.