Mako Upgrades Mass Effect. Uninstall with ME3Tweaks Mod Manager. With the update the vehicle feels weightier and slides around less.

Mako - Improved Controls Mod only changes the control binding so it is completely independent in functionality. Check out the version number of the mako as you play through the game it changes aparently every 10. Increasing the value of this parameter makes the MAKO heavier and stick more to the ground which indirectly reduces the bounciness.
In command console there are levels of upgrade to the Makos jump.
While the bulk of mechanics remain unaffected in the trilogy in an effort to keep the experience organic a few quality of life improvements were a priority. - replace the one in this folder with my file CDocumentsBioWareMass EffectConfig. CloudHiro 12 years ago 1. Generally players will receive about four omni-gel per broken down item but the exact amount of omni-gel varies for certain items.