Lady Xo. Stream Lady XO music Listen to songs albums playlists for free on SoundCloud. With any Pro plan get Spotlight to showcase the best of your music audio at the top of your profile.

1476 likes 1 talking about this. Lady XO Chicago IL US. For all English music fans check-out latest English song Told Em sung by Lady XO.
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For all English music fans check-out latest English song Forreal sung by Lady XO. Her style is progressive hypnotizing and authentic with relatable lyrics focusing on the raw emotions of a young woman growing up in todays culture but she can also be fearless as well as sensual. XOitsladyxo XOitsladyxo XOitsladyxo EDITOR_KLAKjildasilva310 LadyXo_Fantokladyxo_fantok. Lady XO Chicago IL US.