Lady Terminator. A bald-faced copy of Terminator mixed with bizarre Oriental legends and squirming sexual violence this Indonesian oddity scores high for insane action and impressive chutzpah. She swears vengeance on his great great granddaughter.

Lady Terminator Indonesia 1988 Episode 21 Home Monster Madness Cinemassacres Monster Madness is a yearly series of horror movie reviews produced by Cinemassacre Productions and airing around the month of October. Gorgeous big-haired Barbara Anne Constable plays both Tania and the Queens. Other Sellers on Amazon.
Lady Terminator begins with a sadistic Indonesian South Seas Queen dispatching a serf with her vagina dentata and surprisingly proceeds to become a very faithful tribute to The TerminatorShe comes back hundreds of years later of course as the non-robotic Lady Terminator.
The sequences of her taking out those in her path are filled with cheesily-filmed but energetic gunplay sequences where the amount of firepower that both Tania takes from the police officers trying to stop this crazed woman shooting up the local hotspots or that she. What I do know from having watched and loved Lady Terminator is that with their song Souls on Fire they have lived up the expectations this film commands by ripping off every vaguely popular pop rock hit of the 80s. Add to Cart 1709 567 shipping. Lady Terminator begins with a sadistic Indonesian South Seas Queen dispatching a serf with her vagina dentata and surprisingly proceeds to become a very faithful tribute to The TerminatorShe comes back hundreds of years later of course as the non-robotic Lady Terminator.