Lady Of The Poor. Treat everyone with kindness and respect and you cant go wrong. Emily Clark did not want Samantha to marry a poor man she met at college.

A Capuchin Poor Clare is a woman that has centered her life around the contemplation and praise of God. Give alms to the poor. Serving the poor effectively moves us into action and makes it possible to find the most suitable ways of raising and promoting this part of humanity that all too often is anonymous and voiceless but which has imprinted on it the face of the Saviour who asks for our help.
How beautiful it is.
Serving the poor effectively moves us into action and makes it possible to find the most suitable ways of raising and promoting this part of humanity that all too often is anonymous and voiceless but which has imprinted on it the face of the Saviour who asks for our help. It was founded by Jeanne Jugan. How beautiful it is. Many rich girls looking for poor men and wait eagerly for them with all their attention and love.