Lady Hellbender. Lady Hellbender will eventually become an obstacle for the Guardians of the Galaxy and her encounter can go a couple of different waysNegotiating with Lady Hellbender can end well for the team as long as the right options are selected beforehand. The negotiation with Lady Inferno will take place during Chapter 3 and Chapter 4.

First and foremost when Square decided to include Lady Hellbender in the game it went very off-script from either the MCU or the Marvel Comics. Lady Hellbender will eventually become an obstacle for the Guardians of the Galaxy and her encounter can go a couple of different waysNegotiating with Lady Hellbender can. 1920x1080 - Video Game - Marvels Guardians Of The Galaxy.
With her Hellraisers she goes above and beyond to obtain the rarest monsters no matter how illegal or violent.
Recently Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy. By Hayes Madsen Lady Hellbenders Throne Room in Guardians of the Galaxy holds a real braintickler of a puzzle once you finally make your way back to get your companion back. Guardians of the Galaxys recently-introduced Lady Hellbender is a wild card in the Marvel Universe one who would even fit in Insomniacs Spider-Man. Her desire for exotic creatures pushes her to even trade with monster hunters offering generous rewards to grow her sanctuary.