Doctor's Best Strontium Bone Maker. When I began I had osteopenia in both my hips and spine. After taking the Strontium for 6 months I was scheduled for a bone density test.

Strontium is a naturally occurring mineral present in water and foodTrace amounts of strontium are found in the human skeleton. Doctors Best Strontium Bone Maker Modified cellulose vegetarian capsule cellulose magnesium stearate vegetable source. Click here to read about Strontium Bone Maker.
Trace amounts of strontium are found in the human skeleton.
High-quality brands include Life Extensions Strontium Caps OrthoMoleculars Strontium Nutricologys Strontium Osteo Complex Solarays BioCitrate Strontium or Doctors Best Strontium Bone Maker You must have enough calcium in your body for strontium to work well. It had many of the other nutrients needed to build strong bones. My hips were quite close to being at the osteoporosis level. The density increased in both areas about 5.