Best Wood Pellets. BEST GOURMET WOOD PELLETS. PREMIUM USA HARDWOODS - 2 lbs of each 8 lbs total Premium Blend Sweet Maple Hickory Cherry.

BEST GOURMET WOOD PELLETS. Only 13 to 12 cup is needed per use. 2 BBQRs Delight Cherry Flavor Smoking BBQ Pellets Best Cherry Flavored Pellets for Smoking.
Apple Apple wood pellets are best used for smoking chicken pork lamb and seafood.
2 BBQRs Delight Cherry Flavor Smoking BBQ Pellets Best Cherry Flavored Pellets for Smoking. MoJack pellets 47206 Myron Mixon Wood Pellet-Peach for GrillingSmokingBBQ Cooking. These pellets are some of the purest you can get. North Idaho Energy Logs.