Best Selling Bible. All kinds of goods were being brought to Jerusalem on the Sabbath day. Neither was ranked ten years ago.

I am from South Africa and thus have only experience of what is sold hereand even so my experience is limited. Guinness Records reports an estimated 25 billion Bibles were printed between 1815 and 1975 and The Economist estimates more than 100m new Bibles are printed every year. Featured Top Ten Best-Selling Bible Translations Compared to Ten Years Ago 2021 Update Discussion in Bible Versions Translations started by Squire Robertsson.
I am from South Africa and thus have only experience of what is sold hereand even so my experience is limited.
The latest data I have is from the Evangelical. For example the most popular or top selling Bible translations in 2016 according to the Rose Publishing were the New International Version and the King James Version. Most of the colors sold out so fast. Neither was ranked ten years ago.