Best Revolutionary War Documentary. By weaving top-down accounts of Founding Fathers and their loyalist and British counterparts with the perspectives of the so-called ordinary people who waged and witnessed war The American Revolution will be an expansive unvarnished look at the unassailable virtues and unavoidable contradictions of the fight for independence and the birth of the United States. The popular film The Patriot is loosely based on the exploits of several real life historical figures including a British officer Lt.

Johnny Tremain is drawn into the Revolutionary War and becomes a patriot fighting to free the colonies from England. There was a series 12 or 13 parts that the History Channel did back in the 90s called The Revolution that I thought was pretty well done--back before the History Channel went to shit. The Revolutionary War.
This article is about political and social developments and the origins and aftermath of the war.
Tin Chan Chau Diem Ngo Dinh Diem John Foster Dulles. The American Revolutionary war - part 1 of 2 Documentary - YouTube. The popular film The Patriot is loosely based on the exploits of several real life historical figures including a British officer Lt. Good job on the northern campaigns of Valcour and then Saratoga the next year.