Best Record Cleaning Brush. TechPlay Anti Static Carbon Fiber Record and LP Cleaner. Cleaning of your beloved record collections now will be a pleasure with the best vinyl cleaner called the Record Velvet Brush from Record-Happy production.

You need additional materials bucket or cake pan distilled water potentially gloves etc to use as described. You arent going to get records spotless and remove all the pops and clicks on dirty records without a real record cleaning system. Comes in a set with everything that is needed to start cleaning your records.
The brush is made of carbon fiber so The Anti-Static Record Brush has ideal conductivity through the brushs internal parts to the conductive Gold Contacts placed right in your arm.
You arent going to get records spotless and remove all the pops and clicks on dirty records without a real record cleaning system. Cleaning of your beloved record collections now will be a pleasure with the best vinyl cleaner called the Record Velvet Brush from Record-Happy production. For best record cleaning brush. When humidity is higher and static isnt an issue I just use microfiber cleaning cloths that I fold over into a pad.