Best Politics Books. Best Books To Read To Understand Politics The Little Book Of Politics By DK. The 100 best politics books recommended by Tim Cook Tony Robbins Narendra Modi Richard Branson and Subramanian Swamy.

Cue Steve Richardss The Prime Ministers We Never Had Hodder a book stuffed full of roads less travelled. Imagine if an alien visited Earth for a few thousand years and then had to write a report to explain humans back home. An Introduction to Political Science by Douglas W.
10 of the best books on British politics From The Second Sex to The Beauty Myth.
This is easily one of the best modern political books to read. Political books tend to be a niche field in the US the domain of politicos and news obsessives with a few exceptions that have crossed into the mainstream. The most recent of these is obviously Michael Wolffs Fire Fury a scandalous and revealing fly-on-the-wall tell-all of Donald Trumps first year in office. Nested within our politics and society sections are subcategories recommending books on US politics international development conflict and war gender human rights journalism migration and terrorism among others.