Best Plastic Wrap. The other half is made of good old-fashioned fossil fuel-based plastic. The best materials possible.

The length of plastic wrap needed to make the plastic wrap ball largely depends on how many prizes you are going to include how many people will be playing the game and how large you want the finished ball to be. Our preferred plastic wrap is Stretch-tite. I actually had no idea what this miracle product was until my first food styling job many years ago.
And also good at sticking to itself sometimes too good and ends up in a clumped ball.
Saran Cling Plus - Best Kitchen Plastic Wrap Saran has been providing plastic wrap solutions for decades. The two top-performing eco cling wraps in our test werent actually all that eco. They typically last 12 months if you care for them properly. Protect your clothes by placing plastic wrap under the caps of all your shampoos conditioners etc.