Best Physics Books. Thinking Physics by Lewis Carroll Epstein a book of conceptual problems for beginners and intermediate-levels Problems and Solutions in Introductory Mechanics by David Morin A good book for preparing to the Fma exam and for practicing basic mechanics 200 Puzzling Physics Problems by Gnadig USAPhO IPhO level problems. They will also inspire you and have you feeling as though you really understand physics for the first time in your life.

The Feynman lectures on physics are beautiful books which will teach you a considerable amount of the long-view of physics. A Brief History of Time. Superstrings Hidden Dimensions and the Quest for the Ultima.
Physics for Students of Science and Engineering.
These books also contain a lot of exercises that will help you practice solving problems effectively. More broadly it is the general analysis of nature conducted in order to understand how the universe behaves. QED stands for Quantum Electrodynamics in Physics and the book is written by a famous Noble-prize winner physicist who is known in the whole world for his brilliance Richard Feynman. Foundation Science Physics for Class.