Best Of Bread. More Bread More Pure Pop With two seriously good Double Plus A sides this pressing will show you just how good Breads music can sound on All Analog vinyl A Better Records Desert Island Disc if there ever was one -- believe me there are scores of them This is one of the rare Greatest. Singersongwriter David Gates distills the essence of hopeful romanticism in Make It with You and Everything I Own his sweetly keening vocals nestled in shimmering 70s ballads.

Bread Alone Bakerys Whole Wheat Sourdough. The Best Of Bread LP Compilation Elektra. The Best of Bread compilation album from March 1973 was a huge success peaking at No.
The Best of Bread compilation album from March 1973 was a huge success peaking at No.
The original album contains 12 songs. Make It With You - Everything I Own - Diary - Baby Im-a Want You - It Dont Matter To. I was born in 1970 and this was on the radio as a kid and at times too much. The reunion of the group in 1976 came about after Elektra Records expressed interest in another Bread.