Best Laser Printer Paper. Best of the best. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks.

This affordable 85 x 11-inch 20-pound paper with a brightness rating of 92 can handle your most basic printing needs with ease. There is a common myth that laser printers are no good when it comes to printing photos. The more paper you can load the better.
Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks.
This affordable 85 x 11-inch 20-pound paper with a brightness rating of 92 can handle your most basic printing needs with ease. The best color laser printer for small or home offices weve tested is the Canon imageCLASS MF743Cdw. What is the best laser printer for NCR paper. Some of the best laser printers on the market boast a load capacity ranging between 150 and 250 sheets.