Best Lacrosse Shaft. Here are the Few Best Wooden Shafts we have chosen in the market. They give the power to win the game.

Offering maximum control this lacrosse attack shaft is making good use of HD Resin that has dramatically improved the performance of this shaft. The new version of the Maverik Wonderboy is surely a new and improved version that is the best option for defenders. The best quality about these lacrosse shafts is that they offer you high durability and lightweight feel so that you have a comfortable play.
It should provide the player with the strength and agility that is the need of the game.
The list of lacrosse shafts for attack players is sorted by price and weight. The more expensive the shaft the better and lighter the materials will be. 1 East Coast Dyes Lacrosse Shaft Best Overall 2 Burd Wood Works Hickory Lacrosse Attack Shaft Runner-Up 3 STX K18 Lacrosse Shaft Honorable Mention. The Wolf Athletics U-2 is claimed to the worlds strongest lacrosse shaft and claims to be able to take 1800 pounds of force before snapping.