Best Catholic Books. Good Catholic Books to Read While Youre Confined Jeff Dahlberg April 2 2020 2 Comments Because many people are laid off from their jobs and unable to socialize eat out or even go to Mass for the foreseeable future Ive included a list of good Catholic books that you can read while youre staying at home. Adams Karl The Spirit of Catholicism Bouyer Louis Spirit and Forms of Protestantism Catholic Church Catechism of the Catholic Church Guardini Romano The End of the Modern World.

The Canons and Decrees of the Council Of Trent. Rome and the Origins of Catholicism by Taylor Marshall. Why Do You Believe in God.
Bible Basics for Catholics.
Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Ludwig Ott. Tattoos on the Heart. Crossing the Threshold of Hope. So here are some more recommendations from the comboxes more solid Catholic books.